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online classes

Kenneth is offering private lessons in his New York studio.
Kenneth offers private lessons on the sewing or pattern drafting subject of your choice, by appointment. If you’re interested, email him for details!


The Buddy Sit-and-Sew classes have returned!


After a hiatus due to covid, the Buddy Sit-and-Sew classes in Kenneth's studio have returned. These classes are designed for two people (hence the name), where the two of you work with Kenneth on whatever projects you wish. In these classes, he has done quite a lot of fitting patterns (a favorite) as well as any instruction and assistance on whatever garments or other projects you want to work on.


This is a chance to have a more individualized time with Kenneth, and will give you a chance with a friend to visit New York City. 


For more info, email Kenneth at:






These zoom classes operate with prepared video and Q and A.  The sessions will be recorded, so if you need to miss one, you can catch up. After the class, I email a link to the zoom recording as well as the videos contained within it. The links remain for the forseeable future.



Email Kenneth at for sign up details.



















The Swagger Collar Jacket

This six-session jacket class is an extension of Kenneth’s articles for the Winder 2024 and Spring 2025 issues of Threads Magazine.  It’s in the Zoom format with live commentary and prepared video—and each session will be recorded! So, if you can’t make the zoom class, you can still participate and have the recordings to review and work through on your own time.

The dates: 12:00 noon Eastern Time, April 12, 19, and 26, and May 10, 17, and 24. The cost is $245.00
























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